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In a few simple ways we can distinguish good honey. The crystallization of honey, that is, the sharpening as we usually call it, is due to the high content of honey in glucose. This is not a sign of adulteration.
To re-make the honey fluid, put it in a glass container and immerse it in a pot of water at 45-55 degrees Celsius. Do not boil it because it will lose its flavor and reduce its nutritional value.
Generally, the thicker the honey is, the less moisture it contains, the better its quality is.
To see if your honey at home is good you can take a glass of cold water and put in a tablespoon of honey. Since the most common method of adulterating honey is with sugar syrup which can easily dissolve in water, if the honey we bought is adulterated it will dissolve in the water. Conversely, if the honey we bought is pure, it will sink into the bottom.
The aroma and color of honey are only related to the origin of the raw material and are not those elements that determine the quality of honey.
Furthermore, there should not be white foam under the lid, on the jar walls or on the surface of the honey. Existence of foam means that honey has been cooked.